Did You Miss A Free Download Or Cool Recommend? Here Are Some Worth Checking!


Freelance Checklists - Includes PLR, But more importantly, 18 checklists to becoming a freelancer. (Which could tie in nicely if you grabbed Jim Guide last week!)


Free Weekend Download 3rd June 23 - 'Internet Marketing Strategy' - It includes: The Ebook, Salespage, Graphics, Social Images, Emails Swipes, & More. (MRR)


Health & Safety Tool Box For Business - A package of 6 professionally created PLR for Businesses. (if you deal with local biz.. it's law that they need to train their staff in these - So You could be the one providing the info they need!)


365 System - Kevins unique system that brings in DAILY sales and commissions, & has done for 15 years. (Training from someone who does walk the walk!)


Free Weekend Download 10th June 23 - 'Internet Marketing Strategy - Upsell Videos' - It includes: The Videos, Salespage, Graphics, Audios, Emails Swipes, & More. (MRR)


Amazing Software App that does it all for you... you just use the step by step guides to lead it to creating children's books, and sorting the illustrations too - I'm very impressed, and bought it for future use (not time now... but crikey, I could even make my grandkids some special xmas pressies for the future with this!)


10 Free Silver Memberships - A lot of education for those who could use it, *And All at No Charge! - I hope they are useful to those who grab them :)