Did You Miss A Free Download Or Cool Recommend? Here Are Some Worth Checking!


Free Weekend Download 5th August 23 - 'ChatGPT Prompts'- It includes: The Prompts packages, SitePages Reseller Kit, Sales Video, Images, & More. PLR


Mail Your Offer - Another of Dawuds rotator offers, You send a link, he adds it to a rotator - and mails it daily to 35,000 members of his various websites. (It's a punt, but it is only ten bucks!)


Super Affiliate YOU! (Manual & Video training) - From One Super Affiliate... to You - 97+ Ultra-Actionable Tactics, Strategies, Ideas, Templates, Shortcuts, Secrets & Lists! - It teaches anyone, regardless of skill level or expertise how to start and most importantly, sustain a successful affiliate business in ANY Niche, starting from ground ZERO from Niche Selection & Site Creation ==> Traffic & Conversion.


Free Weekend Download 12th August 23 - 'Social Media Marketing' - It includes: The Ebook, SitePages, Articles, Sales Video, Images, Swipes, Cheatsheet, & More. MRR


PDF & Videos for: The Ultimate ChatGPT Guides (Beginner & Intermediate) with PLR, and optional Master Transferable Rights. - Do check the pages for full details... :)